

Carbon Capture

Advancements in Carbon Capture and Storage

This review looks at the most recent improvements in carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology, including collection methods, storage alternatives, and usage paths for reducing atmospheric CO2 and combating climate change. Introduction to Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) Carbon Capture…


Biofilms Revolute Chemical and Energy Production

This paper investigates biofilms’ critical role in increasing chemical and energy production efficiency, outlining advances in biofilm reactors, resolving obstacles, and providing insights into future research prospects for industrial scalability. Introduction to Biofilms Biofilms are organized colonies of microorganisms enclosed…


Next-Gen Biomaterials for Medical Innovations

This review looks at the transformative influence of next-generation bioconjugate biomaterials on medicine. It looks into their applications in hydrogel enhancement, biomolecule stabilization, and biological process knowledge, emphasizing their great potential for disease detection, therapy, and human health insights. Bioconjugate…


Thermochemical Processing of Waste and Biomass

This review looks at the most recent advances in thermochemical processing technologies for waste and biomass conversion, focusing on pyrolysis, gasification, and combustion. It digs into current technological advancements that have increased process efficiency while reducing environmental effect, such as…